
Friends of Baltimore Woods welcomes artists of all levels to the Upper Meadow in June.

Plein Air Watercolor Class
Ronna Fujisawa teaching landscape watercolor.

Ronna Fujisawa, Salty Water Art will again teach a free landscape watercolor class in the Upper Meadow of Baltimore Woods on Saturday June 1, from 10 to 1pm. All skill levels are welcome. Participants under 18 should be accompanied by an adult. Bring any supplies you have available including a chair. A canopy will be set up in case of light rain or sun.

Class size is limited to 15. Beginning May 1st, sign up at: friends@friendsofbaltimorewoods.com. We will send the suggested supply list and exact location directions once you sign up.

Ronna also has basic watercolor sets that include paints, paper, brushes, pencil, water cup and something to tape paper to for $20 available to purchase at this site.

This free class is available to you courtesy of The Friends of Baltimore Woods.

Golden Hour Work Parties Begin May 16

Golden Hour Work Party
Golden Hour Work Party
The longer and warmer pre-days of summer are here. This year, the Friends Of Baltimore Woods weekly Thursday work parties known as Golden Hour, will begin May 16 from 7 to 8 pm. Please visit our web calendar for locations and other helpful information. Thursday Golden Hours usually run until mid-August.











Native Plant Sale was a huge success! 7,075 native plants were purchased! THANK YOU to all our plant sale customers and volunteers!

Friends of Baltimore Woods Updated Map - Includes Acorn Acre