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    FoBW neighbor, ReWild Returns to in-person Skills Series classes

    In May, ReWild announced it will be offering in-person classes again as well as Youth Programs and  Kids’ Summer Camps this July. ReWild headquarters is now located at Green Anchors at 8940 N. Bradford St. near the Baltimore Woods. Classes include topics such as ReWilding 101 and Bow Making. There are also free community programs available  and a ReWild library. Volunteer opportunities are available through the nursery and gardening program. More information can be found at where you can sign up for the newsletter.

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    Name that Scat

    There are many animals using Baltimore Woods corridor to hunt, feed, nest and raise young. Some are easily visible such as Bald eagles and hawks, but most go unnoticed due to stealth or nocturnal habits. One way to detect an animal’s presence is by observing scat. With that in mind, we challenge our readers to guess or deduce the animal that left the scat in the photo below. It was located in a gravel road, and consists entirely of short, reddish fur. Can you name that scat? For the answer, scroll down! . . . . . . . . . . . Answer: Coyote

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    They Planted Paradise and Dug Up A Parking Lot

    Please tell Joni Mitchell she can change the lyrics in her song “Big Yellow Taxi,” from “they paved paradise and put up a parking lot!,” to “they planted paradise, dug up a parking lot!” On a warm April morning, 12 days before Earth Day 2021, 20 volunteers planted about 200 showy milkweed starts, 6 young oak trees and about 8 mock orange shrubs, all natives in a reclaimed meadow, north of the St John’s Bridge, near the Willamette River. It was a stunningly beautiful spring day, warm with clouds and blue skies. Osprey were sighted above us carrying long twigs for nest building, and the tall budding cottonwoods filled the…

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    Golden Hour Begins

    Golden Hour work parties are now meeting each Thursday evening from 7-8pm and will continue until fall as weather allows. Each Golden Hour is led by an FoBW member who chooses the work site location within the corridor. Generally, the work parties consist of freeing native plants by removing invasives or litter pick up. Golden Hour leaders are happy to help with identification of plants. Volunteers are asked to be alert to bird nesting activity and if observed avoid working nearby. Volunteers should check the FoBW website calendar for the specific meeting location. It will be posted a week in advance. Or they can email to find out. Volunteers…

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    FoBW advocates interviewed by Oregon Wildlife Foundation

    Friends of Baltimore Woods’ new fiscal sponsor, Oregon Wildlife Foundation (OWF), recently interviewed board chair, Barbara Quinn, and Ecologist, Laura Guderyahn, about the ecology of Baltimore Woods and the origin of FoBW.  The interview was conducted on Zoom and aired live online on April 15. It is now an archived episode of the OWF series, “Community Conservation.” The episode can be accessed here.

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    April 21st Work Party with SOLVE

    We enjoyed holding a work party today for one of our community partner groups, SoLVE. We met with their staff and board at the BW upper woodland portal, at St John for a tour followed by mulching plants just in time for summer heat. It was a good opportunity for them to get to know our site and to meet outside the office on a beautiful day. Thanks to everyone who joined us today!

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    Annual Native Plant Sale Rides Again

    by Caroline Skinner Volunteers had fun helping at the pop up native plant sale held jointly by FoBW and Sparrowhawk Native Plants on the last weekend of March. On Thursday morning, big trucks delivered pre-ordered plants of all shapes and sizes, then workers laid them out on the ground, arranged in organized groups by type. In the afternoon, volunteers marked each and every plant with an ID tag. Yes, all 10,000 of them! For the next two days, customers came at pre-arranged time slots to pick up the myriad of native plants they had pre-ordered. The sale was a roaring success with a complete sell-out. There were about $50,000 in…

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    March 13th Work Party with SOLVE

    The Old Oak Tree site, below Edison Street on N Alta, is really starting to look good from a restoration standpoint. We’ve already worked there for several years, first taking out lots of trash and invasive locust trees, as well as blackberry and English Ivy. More recently, we’ve planted an assortment of native shrubs; many of them are doing well, including Osoberry and flowering red currant. We showed the site more love at our work party on March 13. While we were sad to see the site’s namesake, the old oak tree, come down in a storm this winter, sections of it’s enormous trunk remain on site, along with an…