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December 9 Work Party Brings Out 45 Volunteers!

On Thursday, Dec. 9, SOLVE and FoBW partnered to host a private team-building work party in the meadow for employees of New Relic, a Portland-based software company.

In spite of cold, damp weather, the mostly home-based employees applied themselves enthusiastically to one or more of several different activities and had fun working in community. In fact, recently hired employees had their first opportunity to meet their coworkers due to the current requirement to work from home.

The volunteers removed all the remaining prickly lettuce in the upper meadow in record time, while another group cut blackberry vines off native shrubs in the upper woodland. A third group planted 35 meadow checkerbloom that were generously donated by FoBW volunteer, Liz Daly. The New Relic group also mulched the new plantings with wood chips and finished by helping dig and remove invasive thistle.

Whew! So much done in so little time. Thanks New Relic volunteers!

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