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Green Street Stewardship Program Open for Volunteers

Did you know you could adopt a local bioswale and take care of it as a steward? Bioswales are areas along city streets and sidewalks containing rain gardens intended to collect stormwater. They use soil and plants to capture and filter rainwater to reduce the load on the city’s stormwater system. They also help prevent pollution from washing into our rivers. The streets that have bioswales on them are called “Green Streets.” The City of Portland Environmental Services builds and maintains Green Streets all around Portland. Many of the bioswales are available for adoption!

The primary stewardship tasks involve trash collection, weeding and clearing of debris from water inlets. Watering can also be part of the job in summer. It’s fun and easy. Many bioswales include hardy native plants like sedges, rushes, Spirea and great Camas.

According to Portland BES Green Street program, you can help support Portland’s Green Streets in two ways.

The first is to be a good Green Street neighbor. This means:

  1. Keep people, pets, and trash out of the planters.
  2. Keep inlets open.
  3. Don’t prune or cut the plants.
  4. If needed, you can water the plants during a dry spell.
  5. Report Green Street maintenance issues.

The second way is to volunteer as a Green Street Steward and adopt a Green Street. Stewards perform regular maintenance on their adopted Green Streets and enjoy the benefits of making a difference.

If you would like to tend a little garden near your home or apartment, you can go to the Portland Green Street Program to search for bioswales near you and sign up.

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