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Middle School Students Perform Community Service

Middle School Students Perform Community Service ImageOn the warm sunny morning of May 30th, thirty 6th, 7th and 8th grade students from Catlin Gable School arrived with their teachers and chaperones for a community service day in the woods.

After introductions, a tool safety talk and an exploratory scavenger hunt in the Lower Meadow, the students were divided into 2 groups of mixed age levels. One group tackled the ivy and blackberry patch under a large mature big leaf maple, the remaining pulled sweet pea vines that were choking native shrubs in the Upper Woodland.  The students were focused, hard working and a joy to supervise with their attentive instructors and adult partners. They saw turkey vultures, purple lupine, heard songbirds and enjoyed a healthy slice of nature in North Portland.

Our hope is that they will be inspired to return next year to again enjoy the native oak and savannah habitat of Baltimore Woods, and continue to help care for it.

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