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Wildflowers Entice Walkers 

Big Leaf Lupine amidst lush growth. Native Lupine attracts bumble bees and other pollinators Image
Big Leaf Lupine amidst lush growth. Native Lupine attracts bumble bees and other pollinators

Baltimore Woods’ 7-acre meadow is blooming with an assortment of native wildflowers that can easily be viewed from the gravel path that runs approximately north-south through the grassy habitat.

Checkerbloom & Broad Leaved Penstemon Image
Checkerbloom & Broad Leaved Penstemon

The Friends and their partners at Portland Parks and the Bureau of Environmental Services have planted many of the native wildflowers. The meadows are being restored for the benefit of ground nesting birds and pollinators. Both are experiencing declining numbers due to a loss of habitat. The Friends ask that walkers stay on the path to allow birds enough undisturbed space for ground-nesting.

Meadows path access for walkers MapWalkers can start a stroll on N. Decatur at N. Baltimore, or at N. Decatur at N. Catlin. Or for a shorter walk, you can enter the meadow directly at N. St. Johns Alley from N. Edison. Another option is to enter at N. Reno and N. Decatur and walk south toward Cathedral Park to enjoy views of the St. Johns Bridge.